
In order to reduce the pressure (deforestation/degradation) on the forest and promote the sustainable development of the population, our REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions (REDD+ BN) project promotes and implements strategies to increase the economic capacity of the community by strengthening the Brazil nut activity (one of the main economic activities in the region). In line...
The forests protected by BAM are especially relevant because they are one of the last remaining ecosystems in the vicinity of the city of Pucallpa, capital of Ucayali, one of the regions with the highest deforestation rates in Peru. Since 2008, BAM has been protecting a private area of +20,000 ha in Ucayali, Peru, where...
In line with the objective of avoiding deforestation in the forests of Madre de Dios (Peru) and within the activities carried out by the REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions conservation project (REDD+ BN), the technical team implements a robust Monitoring, Control and Surveillance System (MCSS) as an integral part of its approach to conservation. This system...
Since mid-2023, Bosques Amazónicos (BAM) and Nuevo Belén, a local community adjacent to our REDD+ The Last Habitat conservation project in Campo Verde, Ucayali, have been developing an initiative that seeks to improve the income of cassava and fariña producers. Together with the community, we started a project for the development of productive cassava plots,...
Last Friday, October 20, Bosques Amazónicos (BAM) and the Alto Purús National Park (PNAP) signed a 3-year cooperation agreement with the objective of strengthening the monitoring of the areas protected by the PNAP and BAM, the management of natural resources of importance to local populations, as well as environmental communication and education with the main...
As part of BAM’s Science Program and within the framework of the strategic alliance with the San Diego Zoo, between August and November 2022 we installed more than one hundred camera traps in the jungles of our property in Campo Verde (Ucayali, Peru) in order to record, identify and quantify the vast diversity of fauna...
Peru continues to advance in the consolidation of the REDD+ scheme at the national level, a participatory process led by MINAM in coordination with VERRA and REDD+ project developers. BAM continues to be involved in the process, taking part in these spaces for dialogue as a representative and leader of REDD+ projects in Peru. Last...
The problem: deforestation and degradation of high-value native species Peru has an amazing diversity of native forest species of great value, which have evolved over the centuries in its different ecosystems. Unfortunately, this biological wealth is being threatened in our country due to the increasing deforestation and degradation of our forests. On the one hand,...
This is the first group of students that have been awarded with this scholarship program, an initiative by REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions aimed at forging a better future for families in Madre de Dios. In a joint effort to promote excellent educational opportunities in the region, positively impacting the quality of life for the project’s...
Last Sunday, September 15, a training workshop was held for the prevention of forest fires, which plays a fundamental role in the fight for the preservation of our forests. This event, the result of collaborative work between BAM, the National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios (UNAMAD) and the XVI Fire Department of Madre de...
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