
In a world where concern about climate change is on the rise, it is essential for companies to play an active role in the protection and conservation of our natural resources. In this regard, Bosques Amazónicos (BAM) stands out for its commitment to research and conservation of nature in our Amazon. In this article, we...
The Private Conservation Area Campo Verde is located on private lands owned by the company Bosques Amazónicos (BAM) near the city of Pucallpa, the heart of the Peruvian Amazon. This natural reserve serves as a crucial refuge for conserving biodiversity in one of the regions most affected by deforestation and land-use change. Recognized and supported...
The Amazon rainforest, with its vast biodiversity and vegetation, is one of the most cherished ecosystems on our planet. However, it has also fallen victim to deforestation and unsustainable exploitation over the years. Amidst this challenge, stands Bosques Amazónicos (BAM), a company that not only strives to restore the biodiversity and ecosystems of the Peruvian...
The SDGs are a global commitment aimed at achieving transformative change at all levels of society. Aligned with this, BAM seeks to contribute to transforming the world towards a more environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable one through its projects. In a world facing increasingly pressing challenges in terms of poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, and climate...
At Bosques Amazónicos (BAM) we include local communities as part of our value proposition to ensure the long-term sustainability of our efforts. In this way, we are able to positively impact the people who live in and from the forests, the environment and biodiversity in Peru. En este artículo, te contaremos sobre el taller de...
In the fascinating world of herpetology, one species that deserves our attention is the frog Scinax pyroinguinis, also called “groins of fire frog”. These amphibious creatures have a unique beauty and an interesting history to explore. According to the official study published in Evolutionary Systems, Scinax tree frogs are among the most diverse clades of...
A clonal nursery is a place where plants are grown and reproduced asexually, using specific parts of a parent plant to generate new, genetically identical plants, known as clones. The main function of a clonal nursery in the agricultural and forestry industry is to produce plants with specific genetic characteristics and qualities in a consistent...
Madre de Dios, a region located in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, is known for its rich biodiversity and its contribution to the Brazil nut trade. It is here that the Amazonian Brazil Nut Festival is held, not only focused on detailing the important role that the Peruvian nut plays in the lives...
Learn the stories of the Brazil nut women guardians of our extraordinary forests! At REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions (REDD+ BN) we seek to contribute to the improvement of the social, economic and political conditions of the women who are members of the project, in an environment of equity and free of violence. In line with...
REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions project (REDD+ BN) continues to make steady progress in its commitment to the protection of forests and the well-being of its community. Hundreds of Brazil nut families continue to receive economic benefits from the sale of carbon credits, in addition to the activities offered by the REDD+ BN project in favor...
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