Monitoring, Control and Surveillance System for the conservation of Brazil nut forests in Madre de Dios


In line with the objective of avoiding deforestation in the forests of Madre de Dios (Peru) and within the activities carried out by the REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions conservation project (REDD+ BN), the technical team implements a robust Monitoring, Control and Surveillance System (MCSS) as an integral part of its approach to conservation. This system operates, among others, using information from official and reliable sources such as GEOBOSQUES and NASA, with the aim of identifying and mitigating the threats of deforestation in the project and surrounding areas of the Brazil nut communities. It should be noted that the monitoring system is complemented by preventive measures to minimize threats in the area, such as ongoing training for concessionaires, community awareness workshops, promotion of sustainable economic alternatives, etc.

System operation

1. Threat identification

The process begins with an analysis of the geospatial dynamics in the area of influence of the project, using official information from sources such as GEOBOSQUES and NASA.

Our team of specialists daily reviews and processes the possible deforestation alerts and hot spot alerts of forest loss detected in the forest concessions that are part of REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions and its surrounding areas. These alerts are shared through telephone and applications (Apps) such as WhatsApp with concession partners, encouraging collaboration and rapid response to them. As will be detailed later, threats are evaluated and duly addressed by the project’s technical team in the field.

Additionally, in order to identify any risk in the area and take immediate action, the concession partners themselves have been trained to timely report possible incidents of deforestation and/or degradation in their areas, using technological tools with coordinates and satellite information such as the NoteCam app. It should be noted that the REDD+ BN’s technical team provides training workshops and ongoing advice to concession holders on the use of mobile applications, tools and forest monitoring processes.

2. Field inspection

Once the threats have been identified, the REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions‘ technical team conducts technical evaluations of the affected concessions. During these visits, advice is provided to partners, evidence is collected on the incidence of deforestation and/or degradation, and the corresponding complaints are filed with the project’s legal team and the competent authorities.

3. Complaints and follow-up

Following the gathering of information, the technical and legal team supports the partners in the process of reporting threats to the competent authorities, ensuring that appropriate measures are taken and that the necessary interventions and procedures are carried out to curb the risks of deforestation and/or degradation in the project area.

Importance of MCSS

Most of the threats originate from land use change, burning, encroachment, and illegal mining. These actions have devastating impacts on forests and the environment in general. Thanks to the Monitoring, Control and Surveillance System, REDD+ BN’s specialists and their brazil nut partners can detect these deforestation and/or degradation threats in real time and act quickly and timely to curb and address any risks occurring in the project area.

Use of technology and drones in monitoting

Partners’ benefits

This information collected and consolidated through the REDD+ BN’s Monitoring, Control and Surveillance System using different tools (drones, applications and field verifications) protects the concessionaire in the fight against threats to the forests, which it is directly responsible for safeguarding, according to the forestry law and its regulations. Likewise, this information gathered supports complaints to the authorities and avoids possible complaints in the face of future supervisions. In this sense, the use of new technologies contributes to good forest management and conservation, and demonstrates the concessionaires’ commitment to conservation, which reinforces the impact and sustainability of the project as a whole. The use of technologies is essential to prevent these situations and safeguard the Amazon forests and biodiversity.

Pioneering approach by BAM and REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions

The MCSS implemented by REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions represents a pioneering approach to Brazil nut forest conservation. Through collaboration with experts, advanced technologies and the active participation of concession partners, the project demonstrates its ongoing commitment to environmental protection and community well-being. The incorporation of different technological tools for monitoring reinforces these initiatives and promises a more sustainable future for all involved.

More aboutBAM

The REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions conservation project developed by BAM works hand in hand with more than 700 partner families in Madre de Dios to protect more than 500,000 hectares of forest and its extraordinary biodiversity.

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BAM, private investment for a sustainable world. 

By: Valeria Drinot

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