In a context where the Amazon is at risk as a result of multiple devastating forest fires, the REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions conservation project continues to make steady progress in its commitment to forest protection and the well-being of its community.
Reaffirming the principles of quality and integrity of the project, on September 30 and October 1st, REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions delivered the second economic benefit of the year to its partners, as a result of their conservation efforts and the sale of carbon credits (CO2).
The event began with a training workshop on the status of the international voluntary carbon market, informing about the process for the generation of credits in the VERRA standard, and sharing the results obtained by the project in recent years.
Deforestation in the project area has been reduced by 60%!
Other outstanding achievements:
We conducted +77 trainings, +1510 technical assistance and +769 legal assistance, and managed to reduce approximately 60% of deforestation in our protected forests between the years 2021 and 2023. Likewise, biodiversity results obtained in the BAM’s Science Program expeditions were shared, which reflected the good state of health and conservation of the forests due to the presence of indicator species such as large mammals (jaguar, tapir, among others).
During the session, the commitment and responsibility of all concession partners was reinforced and finally, the workshop ended with a statement by Juan Carlos Grifa, president of the Federation of Brazil Nut Producers of Madre de Dios (FEPROCAMD), making an urgent call to companies and organizations worldwide to commit to the protection of the Amazonian forests in the face of the great risks to their forests.
“The REDD+ mechanism works and we are witnesses of it. That is why we put our hope and future in REDD+ Castañeros. It is now when decisions must be made for the protection of the Amazon. We have no more time,” says Juan Carlos Grifa, president of FEPROCAMD.
Read the full Statement of Brazil Nut Concessionaires of Madre de Dios here!
More about REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions project
In addition to economic support, the families that are concessionaires of the REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions conservation project in Madre de Dios receive direct support and benefits from the activities implemented by the project to meet its CCB objectives: climate, community and biodiversity.
To date, REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions protects +600,000 hectares of unique Brazil nut forests and their extraordinary biodiversity together with +800 partner Brazil nut families. Learn more about the activities implemented in our 2023 Annual Report here!
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BAM, private investment for a sustainable world.