The Peruvian and Chilean soccer teams will offset the CO2 emissions from their SKY Airline flights with carbon credits from our REDD+ The Last Habitat project. This milestone makes the national team one of the first soccer teams in South America to neutralize carbon emissions from their flights.
REDD+ The Last Habitat conservation project developed by Bosques Amazónicos (BAM) protects +20,000 hectares of valuable megadiverse forests located just 45 minutes from the city of Pucallpa, in Ucayali, Peru. Within the area, we can find +5,000 hectares of wetlands: one of the ecosystems with the highest carbon sequestration capacity in the world. Extraordinary species live here, some of them endangered and vulnerable, such as the jaguar, the sachavaca and the maquisapa monkey.
In addition to conserving these wonderful forests, REDD+ The Last Habitat benefits +835 families in communities neighboring the project’s area of influence. In line with this, BAM provides support to improve the quality of and access to basic services such as health and education, and technical assistance to strengthen livelihoods in a sustainable manner; and contributes to the development of capacities and well-being of the populations.
“Ucayali is one of the regions most affected by deforestation in Peru, due to illegal logging, continued urban and agricultural expansion, and less government presence. “The Last Habitat” is one of the last preserved forests near the city of Pucallpa, becoming a refuge for wildlife in the area. This biodiversity-rich area is home to numerous vulnerable and endangered species, and 80% of the bird species recorded in the entire Ucayali region” mentions Jorge Cantuarias, founder and General Manager of BAM.
These forests are the last healthy ecosystems around the city of Pucallpa, due to the growing threats of deforestation caused by migration, the expansion of the agricultural and urban frontier and illegal logging. As such, they have become the last refuge for hundreds of species of flora and fauna, so protecting and conserving them is key in our fight to mitigate the effects of climate change.
¡Join the fight against climate change!
We congratulate SKY Airline for taking action on its commitments to reduce its carbon footprint and invite all companies to join us in our efforts to fight climate change and contribute to the sustainable development of our region.
Are you interested in offsetting your emissions? Write us at and join our mission!
BAM, private investment for a sustainable world
By: Valeria Drinot