
BAM’s business is closely related to the development of the international environmental and timber sector, as well as to the establishment of governmental and inter-institutional policies aimed at fighting the global climate crisis. In this sense, we detail the analysis of the external dynamics that have been impacting the course of BAM’s business. Climate change...
Last Sunday, September 15, a training workshop was held for the prevention of forest fires, which plays a fundamental role in the fight for the preservation of our forests. This event, the result of collaborative work between BAM, the National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios (UNAMAD) and the XVI Fire Department of Madre de...
The Peruvian film “Milagros, una osa extraordinaria” achieved Climate Positive certification by offsetting its carbon emissions with credits generated by our REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions (REDD+ BN) conservation project. Throughout its execution, the producers of the film, CHASKA ENTERTAINMENT, carried out various actions in order to minimize – to the extent possible – the emissions...
Last Thursday, July 6th, Jorge Cantuarias, founder and CEO of BAM, was invited as a speaker at the forum “The route to promote issues and issuers in the capital market” organized by PROCAPITALES to share successful experiences of financing achieved through the capital market. The event took place in the SURA auditorium with the participation...
On April 18 and 19, the concessionaire families, partners of the REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions project, reaffirmed their commitment to forest conservation, sustainable forest management, and the development and continuity of the REDD+ project developed by Bosques Amazonicos (BAM). In a letter of pronouncement, the Brazil nut producers (concessionaires) acknowledged the support and benefits that...
Inkaterra becomes the first hotel chain in the world to be called “Positive Climate”, offsetting its emissions (tCO2e) with our REDD + Brazil nut concessions project. Inkaterra has been named by the United Nations through the Green Initiative certifying organization as “Climate Positive”, thus becoming the first hotel chain internationally to achieve this important recognition....
Preserving the Brazil nut forests Don Alfonso confidently strides down the muddy path. Taking him inside the depth of the forest. He’s short but stocky and has the smile of a loving grandfather. He has a wooden stick in his hand, known as a payana, and a hand-woven tamshi-fiber basket. The route—barely perceptible—winds its way...

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