
In a world where concern about climate change is on the rise, it is essential for companies to play an active role in the protection and conservation of our natural resources. In this regard, Bosques Amazónicos (BAM) stands out for its commitment to research and conservation of nature in our Amazon. In this article, we...
On June 25, Jorge Cantuarias Falconi, founder and General Manager of BAM, was interviewed by Aldo Carlos, host of “PRO con la Naturaleza” to talk about BAM’s trajectory and the opportunities for investing in forest restoration and conservation in Peru. During the interview, Jorge shared BAM’s experience and growth plans, as well as the importance...
On February 14, BAM signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chamber of Commerce of Indigenous Peoples of Peru (CCPIP), the Federation of Native Ticuna and Yagua Communities (FECONATIYA) and the Regional Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the East (ORPIO), to evaluate the creation of forest carbon projects in territories on behalf of indigenous communities...
In line with our commitment to sustainability, on November 22 we became the first forestry company in Peru to obtain the Environmental Declaration of Ongoing Activities (DAAC) for our forestry plantations. The DAAC is the first Environmental Management Instrument (EMI) for tropical rainforest management approved in our country. This certification validates that our activities are...
May 13, 2022 CAF – development bank of Latin America offset the carbon emissions (tCO2e) generated by its operations during 2021 by acquiring carbon credits from our REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions project. In 2019, the institution offset its historical footprint with the same project. In line with the commitment to achieve a more integrated, inclusive,...
Peru ranks fourth among the 12 megadiverse countries and is one of the 17 countries that are home to 70% of the world’s biodiversity. Within this wonderful territory, the Madre de Dios region, also called the “Capital of Biodiversity of Peru”, is internationally recognized as one of the areas with the greatest variety of wildlife...

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