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The voluntary carbon market as a strategy to fight the climate crisis

BAM’s business is closely related to the development of the international environmental and timber sector, as well as to the...

REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions: First group sale of organic Brazil nuts

In order to reduce the pressure (deforestation/degradation) on the forest and promote the sustainable development of the population, our REDD+...

Learn more about our REDD+ The Last Habitat conservation project in Campo Verde!

The forests protected by BAM are especially relevant because they are one of the last remaining ecosystems in the vicinity...

Monitoring, Control and Surveillance System for the conservation of Brazil nut forests in Madre de Dios

In line with the objective of avoiding deforestation in the forests of Madre de Dios (Peru) and within the activities...

BAM starts a project to support and develop skills of small cassava producers in Nuevo Belen, Campo Verde

Since mid-2023, Bosques Amazónicos (BAM) and Nuevo Belén, a local community adjacent to our REDD+ The Last Habitat conservation project...

Signed Cooperation Agreement with Alto Purús National Park to strengthen the protection of our conservation areas

Last Friday, October 20, Bosques Amazónicos (BAM) and the Alto Purús National Park (PNAP) signed a 3-year cooperation agreement with...

Science and technology in Campo Verde: camera traps in BAM’s protected forests

As part of BAM’s Science Program and within the framework of the strategic alliance with the San Diego Zoo, between...

Bosques Amazónicos participates in discussion on the carbon market and National REDD+ process with MINAM and VERRA

Peru continues to advance in the consolidation of the REDD+ scheme at the national level, a participatory process led by...

Peru’s native species: an urgent biological wealth to preserve

The problem: deforestation and degradation of high-value native species Peru has an amazing diversity of native forest species of great...
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