
On June 25, Jorge Cantuarias Falconi, founder and General Manager of BAM, was interviewed by Aldo Carlos, host of “PRO con la Naturaleza” to talk about BAM’s trajectory and the opportunities for investing in forest restoration and conservation in Peru. During the interview, Jorge shared BAM’s experience and growth plans, as well as the importance...
Last Thursday, July 6th, Jorge Cantuarias, founder and CEO of BAM, was invited as a speaker at the forum “The route to promote issues and issuers in the capital market” organized by PROCAPITALES to share successful experiences of financing achieved through the capital market. The event took place in the SURA auditorium with the participation...
During one of the biodiversity assessment expeditions conducted as part of the BAM’s Science Program to the protected forests under the REDD+ The Last Habitat conservation project in Ucayali, scientists discovered a new species of frog: Scinax pyroinguinis, whose Latin name means “frog of fire groins” because of the bright orange spots that decorate its...
BAM’s SCIENCE PROGRAM Learn about the extraordinary results of the 300 camera traps installed in the forests conserved under BAM’s REDD+ The Last Habitat project. Discover animals like the añuje, the jaguar and many more!  As part of the BAM Science Program and within the framework of the strategic alliance with the San Diego Zoo,...
Within the framework of the agreement signed with the National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios (UNAMAD) and aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 4: quality education, our REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions (REDD+ BN) conservation project has launched a University Scholarship Program for all concession partners and children and grandchildren of project partners. In order to...
SCIENCE AND COMMUNITY On April 28th, a group conformed by REDD+ Brazil nut concession project partners and children of project partners entered the Brazil nut forests of Marita Vargas, concessionaire member of the REDD+ project. The purpose was to join a team of scientists from the Natural History Museum of the Universidad Mayor de San...
As part of BAM’s Science Program and within the framework of the strategic alliance with the San Diego Zoo, we installed 300 camera traps in the jungles of our property (Ucayali, Peru) in order to record, identify and quantify the diversity of fauna species found in our forests. The area evaluated is part of the...
On April 22, the concessionaire families, partners of the REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions project, and Bosques Amazonicos (BAM), celebrated the achievements and progress of the REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions project and reaffirmed their commitment to the conservation of forests in a fellowship event. The meeting was held in the coliseum of Puerto Maldonado and was...
On April 18 and 19, hundreds of Brazil nut concessionaires, partners of the REDD+ Brazil nut concessions project, received new economic benefits from their conservation efforts and the resulting sale of certified emission reductions (carbon credits) in the international voluntary market, corresponding to the year 2022. In addition to the support and activities implemented by...
On April 18 and 19, the concessionaire families, partners of the REDD+ Brazil Nut Concessions project, reaffirmed their commitment to forest conservation, sustainable forest management, and the development and continuity of the REDD+ project developed by Bosques Amazonicos (BAM). In a letter of pronouncement, the Brazil nut producers (concessionaires) acknowledged the support and benefits that...
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