Extraordinary results from hundreds of camera traps installed in Campo Verde!

Learn about the extraordinary results of the 300 camera traps installed in the forests conserved under BAM’s REDD+ The Last Habitat project. Discover animals like the añuje, the jaguar and many more! 

As part of the BAM Science Program and within the framework of the strategic alliance with the San Diego Zoo, between August and September 2022 we installed 300 camera traps in the jungles of our property in Campo Verde (Ucayali, Peru) in order to record, identify and quantify the diversity of fauna species found in our forests.

Thanks to this, we were able to record the presence of rare species that are very sensitive to human presence in an area of more than 20,000 hectares of forest protected by BAM. The results allowed us to affirm that the area of the REDD+ The Last Habitat conservation project has a wealth of valuable fauna despite its proximity to one of the most populated cities in the Peruvian Amazon, Pucallpa.

The extraordinary results reveal once again the vital importance of conserving these areas to contribute to the long-term maintenance of wildlife populations and the protection of biodiversity and our ecosystems in general.

“The conservation value of the forests protected by BAM should be highlighted, which even though they are so close to urban areas, allow the presence of species commonly sensitive to human disturbance, such as the curassow, tapirs, giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) and the giant anteater, and even carnivores such as pumas and jaguars,” said specialists Mathias Tobler and José Luis Mena, of the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance.

“Camera traps have become a key tool for wildlife monitoring worldwide and are especially effective in tropical forests, where direct observation of wildlife is rarely possible. Also, when it comes to individually marked species such as jaguars or ocelots, it is possible to estimate their densities,” says Walter Wust, BAM’s Biodiversity Manager.

Learn about the most recent and extraordinary interactions of nature within the forests protected by BAM in Pucallpa, Peru.

During the study, 8 species of birds, 1 reptile and 37 species of mammals were recorded, with the red squirrel, the indigo squirrel and the opossum being among the main protagonists, with the highest detections!

In addition, the camera traps were able to record animals such as puma, jaguar, ocelot, cinereous deer, ronsoco, coati, armadillo, peccary and peccary.

We were also able to observe rare animals such as the grisón, the yaguarundi, the margay and the giant ant-eater.

BAM, private investment for a sustainable world.

Text: Valeria Drinot

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